Lobethal Tennis Club Inc
The Advertiser Saturday 21 September 1901
page 5 article
The local tennis club opened their season and their new ground on Saturday last. Afternoon tea was provided by the ladies.
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA: 1895-1954)
Saturday 14 October 1905
page 14 article
The Lobethal Tennis Club held its annual social in the institute on Friday evening. There was a large gathering including many visitors from kindred clubs. A prize presented by Mr C Klose, for competitions by club members was presented.
Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA: 1910-1924)
Tuesday 20 August 1912
page 3 article
The annual general meeting of the Lobethal Tennis Club was held in the institute on Saturday afternoon. A fair number of members attended. The president Mr WR Redpath occupied the chair. The secretary Mr L Minogue read the balance sheet which showed a credit balance of £3 17/8. In the moving of the adoption of the balance sheet the president congratulated the members on the successful season from the financial point of view and otherwise.
A feature of the season was the successful motor trips to Belair which undoubtedly gave a fillip to the game and similar trips would be arranged this season to Strathalbyn and Mannum.
The President invited the members to afternoon tea on the day and also said he would be pleased to present the club with a set of crockery. The announcement was received with cheers.
Friday 4 October 1912
Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA:1910-1924)
page 3 article
The committee appointed to secure a recreation ground for Lobethal have completed their work and submitted their report to a meeting of the sporting fraternity on Tuesday night. Mr. W.J. Fuller the chairman, briefly explained the reason for the meeting. He referred to the strenuous time the committee had had. He wished to thank the councilors of the district for their assistance and advice, especially Mr. Fowler, district clerk, and Mr. Ramsay Thompson, whose advice was a great help. Mr. F.J. Stabernack, the secretary, read the report which dealt with everything done by the committee to date. Sites were viewed and owners interviewed, but without success, mainly owing to the prohibitive price of land.
Hope of securing a ground was almost abandoned, when at the eleventh hour the South Australian Woollen Company were approached, and after some friendly negotiations the firm offered a site rent free with an indefinite lease and the right to purchase. This the committee decided to accept.
Mr W. Redpath moved that the offer of the South Australian Woollen Company be accepted. He advised them to approve of the committee's action in this matter as he considered the conditions favorable. Mr T.O. Stabernack seconded, and several other gentlemen supported and carried. The meeting resolved that a letter expressing the thanks of Lobethal residents be written to the company. A board of management was appointed consisting of the following gentlemen:-Messrs. W.J. Fuller, R Redpath, W.B. Redpath, Councilor Paech, A.H. Moore, H. Theile, O.H. Elein Schmidt, E.P. Kumnick and J.O. Stabernack.
Tennis court and a cricket pitch will be proceeded with at once, and other improvements will be taken from time to time.
Lobethal Centenary Programme LOBETHAL
The Advertiser Adelaide, SA
February 28, 1936, page 13 article
The centenary committee met at the institute to discuss further details in connection with Centenary and Back to Lobethal celebrations which will be held from February 25 to 28, 1937. On Thursday afternoon and evening a show is to be held; Friday, back to school, visiting the Onkaparinga Woollen Mills, Kumnick's bat factory, and in interesting spots; a ball to be held in the evening. Saturday, gala day and procession; Sunday back to church.
Throughout the celebrations an "antique exhibition" will be on show. It was also suggested that Queen and Garden competitions be held. Mr Guley reported that the bridge on the Recreation ground will be reconstructed possibly by voluntary labour.
It was also decided to go into the cost of top dressing the recreation ground oval and construction of a tennis court, these also being Centenary movements. Mr Frewin was elected secretary of the committee, in place of Mr. F. Aufderheide who has resigned. Mr C Klose chairman of the committee occupied the chair.
Reports from Rural Centres The Advertiser Adelaide, SA
Friday, June 4, 1937
page 27 article
Mr. A Schultz a bricklayer, of Lobethal was admitted to the Lobethal Hospital suffering from a possible fractured skull received when he fell from the truck upon which he was riding with his fellow workman on their way to work. The Tweedvale Recreation Ground Incorporation held a combined meeting of club members in the Lobethal Institute.
Mr. W.E. Gulev occupied the chair, where it was decided to hold a Queen of Sports Competition consisting of the affiliated sporting clubs- tennis, football, cricket and basketball. The following sub-committee were appointed with power to add.
Tennis- Miss P.D. Lehimann, Messrs. J.D. Down and F.R. George. Football- Messrs. John Reilly, L Mason and Dave Oborn. Cricket-Messrs. E. Gower & L. MInogue &RK. Ali, Basketball- Messrs. E.W. Dearman, J Kumnick & Miss A Gray.